

Boston, MA

Cross-disciplinary designer with experience producing UI and Product solutions for a wide range of design and technology landscapes. Strong track record of bridging cross-functional teams to deliver impactful design solutions.

Lunar Energy

Dec 2021 - Feb 2024

Design Lead - Installer Experience

  • Led the design of an installer-centric app for iOS & Android that cut commissioning times by over 40%.

  • Shaped the design of a partner dashboard product that manages 100,000 home solar devices.

  • Translated complex hardware engineering and industry requirements into intuitive UI solutions after extensive user research and prototyping.

U.S. Bank

Jul 2021 - Dec 2021

UX Visual Interactive Designer

  • Produced individualized onboarding experiences for 12 different user- determined investment workflows.

  • Orchestrated the design of a new desktop and mobile investing tool by bridging cross-functional teams of experience architects, content specialists, and developers.

  • Navigated the complex regulatory landscape of the finance industry to conduct user research in a manner that balances compliance requirements with the goal of delivering superior user experiences.

Design Museum Everwhere

Sep 2019 - Jul 2021

Design Producer

  • Directed the design of user experiences with a focus on advancing the organization’s mission and goals that resonated with users and stakeholders, increasing NPS score by 3 points.

  • Designed and built bespoke national touring exhibitions that seamlessly adapt to the spatial and logistical constraints of diverse tour venues, informed by user research to maximize impact and accessibility.

  • Directed and produced a weekly podcast, engaging with over 100 designers across multiple disciplines.

ECCO Design

Aug 2018 - Dec 2018

Industrial Designer

  • Developed physical and digital products from concept to engineering and manufacturing as a member of a small consultancy team working on a variety of projects with a focus on IoT and startups.

  • Responsibilities included ideation, CAD modeling, prototyping, rendering, and web design.


Jan 2018 - May 2018

UI/UX Designer

  • Lead designer building UI/UX for a growing company by working with stakeholders to build functional UI prototypes to create cross-platform apps.

  • Collaborated with developers to build scalable UI, including the necessary programs and processes for current and future international audiences.

  • Facilitated manufacturing prep and the creation of CAD drawings.


Apr 2017 - Aug 2017

Industrial Designer

  • Upheld the visual language for the full suite of luxury furniture, alongside working in other areas of the design business.

  • Primary responsibilities included product photography and editing, product customization, and new product development.


Aug 2016 - Dec 2016

Industrial Designer

  • Supported a multi-disciplinary design team in research, ideation, 3D modeling, and rendering.


Jan 2016 - Apr 2016

Assistant Designer

  • Collaborated with Marketing and Manufacturing teams to design and prepare in-store merchandise displays for large scale production across multiple product markets.